Edite o seu Livro! A corpos editora edita todos os géneros literários. Clique aqui.
Quer editar o seu livro de Poesia?  Clique aqui.
Procuram-se modelos para as nossas capas! Clique aqui.
Procuram-se atores e atrizes! Clique aqui.



What is our marketing plan?

Our online community,, is our biggest triumph. Having your poems in our community means having the opportunity of reaching thousands of people everyday. Most poetry books do not sell 1000 copies. Yet, on our website, there are many poems and authors that are read over a thousand times in a few months.

All our author’s books are also present in our website

Corpos Noticias is our own newspaper. Each edition is a total of 5,000 copies and it’s  distributed free throughout Portugal.

Your book will be available at the Portuguese National Library and it will be registered at ISBN, allowing it to be searched worldwide.

What the author can and should in promoting their own book:

- Go to your local library, City Hall and/or cultural branch and mark an appointment with the person responsible to ask what kind of support they can offer you. Often libraries will buy books for themselves and distribute them throughout the city. This is good for both the publisher and author. Who does not want their book to reach an entire city and into the hands of thousands of readers?

- Participate in our activities. Be available for the whole journey and not just a quick ride.

- Put your book on Google books (this system allows worldwide access readers for free in a few pages of his book). Refer to the links on the pages where the book is on sale. To register, as the author, click on the link: