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Last night I had a dream...

Last night I had a dream

You were there next to me

My hand in your hand, so close

My lips in your lips, so warm

My eyes set in your eyes, so true


Last night I had a dream

You were lying there next to me

My heart so peaceful next to yours

Could this feeling be more real?

Could you know better how I feel?


Last night I had a dream

You were really there with me

We were happy and could be free

Just you and me waiting for eternity.

But, last night vanished with the morning sun

You were not there to give me your hand

My heart alone in the rising of the dawn

My eyes kept searching for yours, long gone.


Elsa Azevedo


Submited by

quinta-feira, janeiro 26, 2012 - 10:30

Poesia :

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Elsa Azevedo

imagem de Elsa Azevedo
Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 1 ano 39 semanas
Membro desde: 01/25/2012
Pontos: 230


imagem de Nostalgia

Hello Elsa,What a beautiful

Hello Elsa,

What a beautiful dream you had
It's a pitty it ended so sad.
Tomorrow is another day,
Keep searching, and finding him, you may.

I loved it



imagem de Elsa Azevedo

Thank you so much :)

Tomorrow will certain be a better day :)


imagem de apsferreira

You knows they come back,

You knows they come back, tonight...

People must keep themselves always hopeful,


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