Villain Lady-updated

Villain Lady had not forgotten
the time Detective tricked her,
she knew he wasn't dead at all.

Playing Russian Roulette was too easy,
It had been a setup, and now he
was setting her up again, only
this time she would outsmart him.

Her veins began to swell like
the roots that come up from
the ground in an old tree.

Detective must have convinced
the anchor man to put it all
in the news and raise the question;
What do you think happened here
last night.

She was furious enough to ride
her bike over there, when it suddenly
hit her again, that strange dream; that
peculiar nightmare that reappeared
last night.

She wished the old gypsies had
told her more before they died.
Could the beasts in her dream
be her parents and why wete
they being chased, did they
have a secret?

Those were questions she
also needed to resolve in
her mind. Knowing and
finding out the truth would
make a difference in the
way she lived her life.

She wondered if her parents
were witches or had tampered
into a world of satanic forces
that led to her birth the person
she had turned into.

Her mind was wondering again,
she needed the truth, digging
into her past was not giving
answers, but the truth was wrapped
somewhere into someone else's 
 life but who? Was she evil or good
was the last question on her mind.Lady grew angry
, her cheeks  the color of a McIntosh apple, the lines
of her forehead skin thickened., she
could not allow this to go on any

Was Detective laughing at her, she
began to form images of his face.
She could see how the left side of
his faced became raised with a smirk.,
and his eye on the same side matching
turned up to match the smirk.

She needed his undivided attention,
her desire was to attract him to her;
to let him know she had returned.
She questioned her revenge, the note
left for her long ago with his name
scrolled in a strange style of script.

By: Vanessa Ramos aka. vanesitapoet

Submited by

Saturday, May 24, 2014 - 12:41

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Joined: 04/20/2011
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