DOURO Valley My true love...VICTOR Marques

Douro Valley my true love

As far as you can see,
Douro Valley for you and me,
Terroir covered with colored terraces up the hill,
Baron Forrester was made of God Will.

Vines flourish in schist as in paradise,
English friends here you can find.
Treasures that nature give to us for free,
Douro Valley for you and me.

The trains and boats near the river for trade,
Port wine is divine and so well made.
Love for people with great hospitality,
Douro Valley for you and me.

The harvest time without an end,
Douro valley loves you my friend.
Lost horizon that you can see,
Douro Valley for you and me.

Warmest regards.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 16:02

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Victor Marques

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 12 years 9 weeks ago
Joined: 09/13/2012
Points: 130

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